Wednesday, August 31, 2011

photoshop tutorials

in this post I give an overview or guide for everyone who likes to play with photoshop. This video is an example of photoshop video that you can membamntu in image editing with photoshop.  

watch the video below:

I hope this guide can be useful for all..!!!!

source : youtube/watch?v=ceVSg0LWCqY


In mathematics, natural numbers are prime numbers greater than 1, the denominator factor is 1 and the number itself. 2 and 3 is prime. 4 is not prime because 4 can be divided by 2. The first ten prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 and 29.

If a number is greater than one is not prime, then the numbers are called composite numbers. The simplest way to determine the primes smaller than a certain number is to use the sieve of Eratosthenes

Beri peringkat terjemahan

Biggest Prima Numbers
Mathematically, there is no "the largest prime number", because the number of primes is infinite. [1] the largest known prime number as of August 2007 is 232582657-1. [2] This number has 9,808,358 digits [1 ] and is a Mersenne prime number is the 44th. M32582657 (thus writing notations Mersenne primes the 44th) was discovered by Curtis Cooper and Steven Boone on September 4, 2006 which are professors from the University of Central Missouri in cooperation with tens of thousands of other members of the GIMPS project.(....)


pointer is a variable that contains the memory address as a value, different from ordinary variable that contains the specified value. In other words, the pointer contains the address of the variable that has a certain value. Thus, there are variables that directly points to a specific value and a variable that indirectly (a variable pointer) points to the value.

int * countPtr, count;

pointer operator
address operator (denoted as &) is a unary operator that returns the address of the operator. as an example, assume the following declaration:

int y = 5
int * yPtr;

examples of program code pointer : (....)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fruit Distance Two Points

The distance between point A (x1, y1) and point B (x2, y2)
AB = Ö ((x1-x2) ² + (y1-y2) ²)
Coordinates Midpoint
Coordinates of the midpoint between point A (x1, y2) and point B (x2, y2)
XT = (x1 + x2) / 2
YT = (y1 + y2) / 2
Distance point to line
Distance of point A (x1, y1) to the line
g: ax + by + c = 0
d = | (ax1 + by1 + c) / Ö (a ² + b ²) |


To determine the distance between two parallel lines, first specify any point that lies on one line, then declare this point distances to the other line.

Or use the formula to be:

The distance of two parallel lines ax + by + c1 = 0 and ax + by + c2 = 0 is

d = | (c1-c2) / Ö (a ² + b ²) |

usage: (....)

Shaky Flash Menu with ActionScript 3

This tutorial will teach you how to create a cool looking shaky menu with ActionScript 3. All the animation is done with ActionScript, so no timeline animation is needed. Check out the end result!

Get TweenMax

We will use TweenMax for the animation of the menu items. Therefore, download TweenMax for AS3. TweenMax will save us a lot of time from coding the animation ourselves! Save the “gs” folder to the same location where your .fla file will be located.

New Document

Start your Flash and create a new Flash ActionScript 3 document.

Flash Document Properties

Set the following document properties.
width: 400px
height: 100px
background color: black
frame rate: 30

Menu Rectangle Shape (...)

Export Import Image in Corel Draw

Graphic science tutorial to learn more import export in corel coreldraw image object with a quick & easy for beginners who start learning coreldraw graphics. You need to know that there are a lot of image formats can be exported to CorelDraw, it could use a bitmap format and can also use a vector file format. So how? Please follow the following article.

import Images

Import a picture, in CorelDraw is used to retrieve or insert images into documents coreldraw worksheet. Before you import a picture you are obliged to create a new document or no document open worksheets. How to import pictures is to click on menu File> Import or can also use the keyboard shortcut [CTRL + I]. Can also hold the slide by clicking the file from explorer into CorelDraw.


Then it will open import dialog box, select the location where a picture or object to be inserted into the worksheet CorelDraw. If you have found click on the file and press OK.

Notes: (....)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Flash Drawing

There are two main tools used to draw in Macromedia Flash: the Pencil tool and the Brush tool. This lesson will teach you all the need to know basics for both. Please create a new Flash file so you can follow along with this lesson.

Flash Pencil Tool

The first tool we will be looking at is the Flash Pencil tool, which is located on the Tools window. Left click the pencil tool or press the associated hot-key (y) to active the pencil tool.

Select a black stroke color from the Colors Window and ignore the fill color, as the pencil only uses the Stroke color.

Flash Pencil Options

This is where the functionality of many Flash tools are defined. The pencil tool is no exception and has two options that you should get to know. The first option is object drawing, which allows you to draw lines and shapes on the Stage that will remain independent from the rest of your existing items.
In old versions of Flash you could draw two shapes on the same layer, and if they overlapped they would not look the same when separated. Object drawing corrects this situation when enabled.

Pencil Correction Options

The neat thing about Flash is that it automatically smoothes your line drawings after you release the left mouse button. Next to the object drawing option is an icon that looks like part of some stairs. This is where you can choose between three different types of drawing aides:
Straighten - Straightens out your drawings as much as possible, and converts hand drawn ovals, rectangles and polygons into computer drawn ovals, rectangles and polygons.(....)

Tutorial Drawing in Flash

In this tutorial, we will be having a brief look at ways in which you can draw in Flash CS4.
Following on from the previous tutorials, we are going to be using the Essential workspace. If this is not set as your workspace, change it by going to Window>Workspace>Essentials.

Create a new document and from the tools panel select the oval tool . If this is not visible, press “o” on your keyboard and it should change. If you still fail to make it change, take a look at your tools panel and the default should be set to a rectangle tool. Click and hold on this and select an oval from the new list. Now, holding down the left mouse key+shift, draw an circle onto the stage.

Now that we have a shape to work with, we can start changing some of its properties to make it more interesting. Take a look at the properties panel in the right hand toolbar.

Coloring Objects in Cinema 4D

Session time we will try to learn to color / material on an object in Cinema 4D Program. Once we know the previous step Rotating Shifts and Cube Size Changes.
Let's follow the steps, yes, hopefully understandable.

step 1
The first step is to select the icon Cube (Cube) and click on the icon Cone :

step 2
In the Material Manager select "File" menu and select "Shader" then click the material "Danel", it would appear the material "Danel" in the Material Manager is below. If you want to add other materials, you just select it in the "Shader".

step 3

Friday, August 26, 2011

Ajax (programming)

Ajax is a group of interrelated web development methods used on the client-side to create interactive web applications. With Ajax, web applications can send data to, and retrieve data from, a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page. Data is usually retrieved using the XMLHttpRequest object. Despite the name, the use of XML is not needed (JSON is often used instead), and the requests don't need to be asynchronous.  

Ajax example programs:

Open the application Macromedia Dreamweaver which image will appear as follows:


3D Gold Logo Effect in Corel Draw

Step 1
Draw circle with ellipse tool.

Step 2
Draw two same objects with rectangle tool (just duplicate first:ctrl+D):

Step 3
Select all objects and convert to curves CTRL+Q:
Step 4
Select all objects and in the property bar use Intersect option:

Corel cut guidance letter

CorelDraw is a vector graphics editor created by Corel, a software company headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. The latest version, called the X5 version 15 was released on February 23, 2008. Corel Draw was originally developed to run on operating systems Windows 2000 and newer. Version of Corel Draw for Linux and Mac OS ever developed, but was discontinued because of low sales levels.

Concept: The lesson is designed using CorelDRAW, the world fame vector program used by artists, illustrators and designers. CorelDRAW is a very user friendly software and you can learn fast for the basic level. Try to explore more commands using these lessons as guideline. CorelDRAW has best of the drawing and editing facilities with the astonishing range of effects. Please try to go further than these tips and tricks by drawing your own shapes and applying effects with different options.

Corel edits example:
1. Open Corel DRAW. Type some text. Try to use thick font :

2. Select Rectangle Tool. Draw Rectangle at the lower half of the text. Select the same rectangle :

Drawing Line Art in Flash

If you're a dab hand with the mouse, you could always draw your artwork straight off onto the screen, but most of us mortals are going to need a picture to work with as a base. If your creative skills leave a little to be desired, or you're new to working this way, it can be easier to use well drawn artwork by an established artist. Screenshots are also a good idea. Or of course you can sketch something yourself. Whichever way you choose, all you'll need is a .gif or .jpg that you can import into Flash and size up to the movie dimensions. 

Below is an image that I've scanned in, and this is the one that I'll be demonstrating with in the tutorial. Feel free to download it to experiment with.

 [ original art ]

Once you've chosen your starting picture, import it into Flash, place it on Layer 1 and lock it. Create a new layer just above it - this is the one we will start drawing on. Depending on your drawing skills, you can either draw freehand or with the line tool. Anime artwork especially is generally composed of a lot of curves, and I find that to get the quality of these with the pencil is very difficult. Having said this, there are times when you find that lines won't cut it, and you just have to use the pencil. If you do, I recommend clicking on the smooth or ink options first. The smoothing effect that you will get depends on the magnification. Too far out and it may smooth over too much, and you won't get the line that you need. Play around with the zoom to get an idea of how it changes your lines. Ink allows those of you with very precise drawing techniques to get exactly the line you have drawn.
Now we are ready to begin drawing. I always draw two sets of lines - one for all the major outlines, and one for minor guides. The major lines (which we will draw first) define the general shape of the image. Minor lines act as a reference for colour and shading.

Making the World Cup ball

Required for this Jabulani ball field just a picture, logo and Adidas logos 2010 World Cup ... I love .. just download's all ..
please take the picture first .. click to enlarge continue to save ..
Open a new document size as below:

Play Pencil Effect in Photoshop

Technology does not stop here, there are new things that can be exploited by humans associated with the technology. The impact of the use of diverse technologies from a favorable to the adverse man himself.
However, it remains that we do need technology products for the purpose of profit though to myself, as well as large-scale benefit many parties.
Drawing the world which in this case I cakupkan on drawing with pencil or the term of this Pencil Drawing, actually very easy to do by anyone for those interested.
Draw this connection when done manually it takes practice and perseverance are very influential on later results.
With technology, drawing with a pencil can be applied to the computer using software that is already very common use of Photoshop.
For those who want to try, let me explain the steps to use photoshop to be able to produce the effect of drawing with a pencil.

The steps are as follows:
Open the image to be changed appearance may be in color or greyscale images.

For color images we need to do to make images become "greyscale" facilities "Desaturate" contained in the menu Image - Adjustments - Desaturate. Then the picture will change to something like "black white"
The next picture is the result of desaturate color images.

After successfully desaturate the image followed by a doubling of the facility "Layer" by "click" on the menu "Layer" forwarded click on the option "duplicate layer". Appears on the display screen popup on the lower right will increase the original image will be titled "background" and the duplication will be titled "backgound copy".

Next click on this second layer (called "background copy") to do with mengclick Invert command menu Image - Adjustments - Invert. The result image will be like "film negative cliches"

The next step, change the "blending" of this second layer with mengclick on "popup layer" of the first mode of "normal" in vogue "color dodge". At this stage the picture is sometimes invisible (not visible) on the editing screen .. ignore it because we will continue to move in the next step.This last step is to determine the pencil effect is to increase the effect of "blurring" by clicking on the "Filter" then select the sub menu "Blur" and click on the facility "Gaussian Blur".

In this step we will just change the value of "Radius" by moving the slide to produce an image that we expect.

Final Results 

source at :

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the predominant markup language for web pages. HTML elements are the basic building-blocks of webpages.
HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags, enclosed in angle brackets (like <html>), within the web page content. HTML tags normally come in pairs like <h1> and </h1>. The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag (they are also called opening tags and closing tags). In between these tags web designers can add text, tables, images, etc..
The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and compose them into visible or audible web pages. The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses the tags to interpret the content of the page.
HTML elements form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. It can embed scripts in languages such as JavaScript which affect the behavior of HTML webpages.
Web browsers can also refer to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define the appearance and layout of text and other material. The W3C, maintainer of both the HTML and the CSS standards, encourages the use of CSS over explicitly presentational HTML markup.


In 1980, physicist Tim Berners-Lee, who was a contractor at CERN, proposed and prototyped ENQUIRE, a system for CERN researchers to use and share documents. In 1989, Berners-Lee wrote a memo proposing an Internet-based hypertext system. Berners-Lee specified HTML and wrote the browser and server software in the last part of 1990. In that year, Berners-Lee and CERN data systems engineer Robert Cailliau collaborated on a joint request for funding, but the project was not formally adopted by CERN. In his personal notes from 1990 he lists, "some of the many areas in which hypertext is used" and puts an encyclopedia first.

First specifications

The first publicly available description of HTML was a document called HTML Tags, first mentioned on the Internet by Berners-Lee in late 1991. It describes 20 elements comprising the initial, relatively simple design of HTML. Except for the hyperlink tag, these were strongly influenced by SGMLguid, an in-house SGML based documentation format at CERN. Thirteen of these elements still exist in HTML 4.
Hypertext markup language is a markup language that web browsers use to interpret and compose text, images and other material into visual or audible web pages. Default characteristics for every item of HTML markup are defined in the browser, and these characteristics can be altered or enhanced by the web page designer's additional use of CSS. Many of the text elements are found in the 1988 ISO technical report TR 9537 Techniques for using SGML, which in turn covers the features of early text formatting languages such as that used by the RUNOFF command developed in the early 1960s for the CTSS (Compatible Time-Sharing System) operating system: these formatting commands were derived from the commands used by typesetters to manually format documents. However, the SGML concept of generalized markup is based on elements (nested annotated ranges with attributes) rather than merely print effects, with also the separation of structure and processing; HTML has been progressively moved in this direction with CSS.
Berners-Lee considered HTML to be an application of SGML. It was formally defined as such by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) with the mid-1993 publication of the first proposal for an HTML specification: "Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)" Internet-Draft by Berners-Lee and Dan Connolly, which included an SGML Document Type Definition to define the grammar. The draft expired after six months, but was notable for its acknowledgment of the NCSA Mosaic browser's custom tag for embedding in-line images, reflecting the IETF's philosophy of basing standards on successful prototypes. Similarly, Dave Raggett's competing Internet-Draft, "HTML+ (Hypertext Markup Format)", from late 1993, suggested standardizing already-implemented features like tables and fill-out forms.
After the HTML and HTML+ drafts expired in early 1994, the IETF created an HTML Working Group, which in 1995 completed "HTML 2.0", the first HTML specification intended to be treated as a standard against which future implementations should be based. Published as Request for Comments 1866, HTML 2.0 included ideas from the HTML and HTML+ drafts. The 2.0 designation was intended to distinguish the new edition from previous drafts.

Monday, August 1, 2011

linux installation guide fedora core 6

Step-by-step installation (Installation of DVD-ROM) :

There are several ways the installation according to sources, between other DVD-ROM, h arddisk dans erver (NFS, FTP, HTTP) on the network. In this paper the author uses from the DVD-ROM installation. For those of you who do not have DVD drives can use mediaCD-ROM.
To perform the installation done by booting from the DVD-ROM computer at the CD-ROM /

DVD-ROM drive, by changing the BIOS boot sequence with first priority on the CD-ROM / DVD-ROM. Options installation mode is used graphical (Graphical User Interface), so it can use the mouse to navigate.
After booting from the DVD-ROM computer, will appear the words:
By pressing [Enter], then it'll go to the graphical installation mode, will be displayed
Welcome Screen''''installation program. (If you are going to check the media used, please
select the check media ...) Then press [Next] to continue.
(All screenshots in this article was taken from the IBM ThinkPad R51e notebooks that used the author
while working at home - a gift from parents the author).
Here is a complete installation steps:

1. Language Options
This option is used to determine the language used during the installation process. The author chose the English language (Bahasa) because it is more familiar, rather than using the option Indonesian language. For beginners, the authors recommend using the Indonesian language.

2. KonfigurasiK eyboard  (....)

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