how to register domains.

How to register a free domain in CO.CC:

1. Visit CO.CC.

2. In the box provided, fill in the desired address. Example. Click the "Check Availability". If "Available" (no one has had), continue the process. If there is wear, try again by filling in the name of another.

3. Click the "Continue to Registration"

4. Click on "Create an Account Now" at the very bottom

5. Complete the form, do not forget the love of a tick (check) at the very bottom of the "I accept the Terms of Service"

6. Click on "Create an account now."

7. The process of domain list is complete

Next we must set up the domain to be directed according to our goals. The easiest thing is to redirect, or URL forwarding. Here are some functions that we can do to set-up we domains:

Function Redirect / URL Forwarding

1. Click the "Set-up"
2. Love a tick on the button (hole) number 3. URL Forwarding
3. Fill in your blog address to be redirected
4. Click the "Set Up".
5. It says "Your change has been submitted." Click "OK".
6. completed

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