Monday, August 1, 2011

linux installation guide fedora core 6

Step-by-step installation (Installation of DVD-ROM) :

There are several ways the installation according to sources, between other DVD-ROM, h arddisk dans erver (NFS, FTP, HTTP) on the network. In this paper the author uses from the DVD-ROM installation. For those of you who do not have DVD drives can use mediaCD-ROM.
To perform the installation done by booting from the DVD-ROM computer at the CD-ROM /

DVD-ROM drive, by changing the BIOS boot sequence with first priority on the CD-ROM / DVD-ROM. Options installation mode is used graphical (Graphical User Interface), so it can use the mouse to navigate.
After booting from the DVD-ROM computer, will appear the words:
By pressing [Enter], then it'll go to the graphical installation mode, will be displayed
Welcome Screen''''installation program. (If you are going to check the media used, please
select the check media ...) Then press [Next] to continue.
(All screenshots in this article was taken from the IBM ThinkPad R51e notebooks that used the author
while working at home - a gift from parents the author).
Here is a complete installation steps:

1. Language Options
This option is used to determine the language used during the installation process. The author chose the English language (Bahasa) because it is more familiar, rather than using the option Indonesian language. For beginners, the authors recommend using the Indonesian language.

2. KonfigurasiK eyboard  (....)

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