Saturday, August 27, 2011

Coloring Objects in Cinema 4D

Session time we will try to learn to color / material on an object in Cinema 4D Program. Once we know the previous step Rotating Shifts and Cube Size Changes.
Let's follow the steps, yes, hopefully understandable.

step 1
The first step is to select the icon Cube (Cube) and click on the icon Cone :

step 2
In the Material Manager select "File" menu and select "Shader" then click the material "Danel", it would appear the material "Danel" in the Material Manager is below. If you want to add other materials, you just select it in the "Shader".

step 3
How to give a color / material kekubus there are 2 ways. The first way, by dragging the icon material "Danel" to the Object Manager or can simply drag the material into cubes. Both are actually the same, now lives depend on your way whichever you prefer .... Okay ...

Good luck and keep the spirit ...!!!!

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