Monday, August 1, 2011

linux installation guide fedora core 6

Step-by-step installation (Installation of DVD-ROM) :

There are several ways the installation according to sources, between other DVD-ROM, h arddisk dans erver (NFS, FTP, HTTP) on the network. In this paper the author uses from the DVD-ROM installation. For those of you who do not have DVD drives can use mediaCD-ROM.
To perform the installation done by booting from the DVD-ROM computer at the CD-ROM /

DVD-ROM drive, by changing the BIOS boot sequence with first priority on the CD-ROM / DVD-ROM. Options installation mode is used graphical (Graphical User Interface), so it can use the mouse to navigate.
After booting from the DVD-ROM computer, will appear the words:
By pressing [Enter], then it'll go to the graphical installation mode, will be displayed
Welcome Screen''''installation program. (If you are going to check the media used, please
select the check media ...) Then press [Next] to continue.
(All screenshots in this article was taken from the IBM ThinkPad R51e notebooks that used the author
while working at home - a gift from parents the author).
Here is a complete installation steps:

1. Language Options
This option is used to determine the language used during the installation process. The author chose the English language (Bahasa) because it is more familiar, rather than using the option Indonesian language. For beginners, the authors recommend using the Indonesian language.

2. KonfigurasiK eyboard  (....)

Selecting a keyboard layout that is used. This choice will determine the translation button-tombolk eyboard used by the system. The authors chose U.S. Classic. Most of the keyboard layout that circulated in Indonesia is U.S. Classic.

3. Installation mode options (Install or Upgrade)
The program will automatically install Fedora Core 6 installation will detect the presence or absence of Fedora Core on the previous system. If you already have Fedora Core installation of previous versions, it will show the option Upgrade an existing Installation. The author chose the installation of a new Fedora Core 6 on the system, by selecting Install Fedora Core.

4. Election PartisiHardd UTIThere is an option for mempartisihardd UTI as follows:> Remove all Linux partitions on this system - this option to delete the only partitionLinux only.> Remove all partitions on this system - this option will delete all partitions onhard drive.> Keep all partitions and use existing free space - Select this option to do the partitioning andUTI sisahardd installation. That is, the installation process will not delete partitionsexist, but will create a new partition in unused sisahardd UTI.Create custom layouts 
> Select this option to perform the partition according to our will.The author chose partisiharddisk manually by using the Create CustomLayout.

5. Configuration PartisiHardd UTI
40 GB notebook hard drive is partitioned into 5. The author makes a VolumeGroup LVM (Logical Volume Management) to store / partition and swap. The type and amount of capacity that the author made the partition shown in Figure 5. (Detail partitions created are: / boot, LVM PV (for the / partition and swap), and / home (to save author employment data).

6. Boot Loader Configuration To run the system without using a boot disk, need to be installed sebuahboot loaderke hard drive. Boot loader is a program that will be loaded by the BIOS of computers and
responsible for reading the operating system and give ernel control the course of the l kepadakerne system. In akhirnyakerne l will perform the initialization of the system and control it.
The installation program provides two options, ie without booting GRUB or loader.GRUB (Grand Unified Bootloader), used as the default boot loader in Fedora Core 6. GRUB can load many different operating systems and can be installed on one of the following locations: 1.Master Boot Record (MBR) 2. The first sector on partisib oot The author menggunakanGRUB as the boot loader and menambahkanpassword for GRUB. GRUB installed on MBR.

7. Network Configuration
In this stage, will be the network card configuration. In the notebook the author, using a network card Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme Fast Ethernet. The installation program has detected a network card and displays them in a list of networks sebagaie TH0. The next step is to determine the information to the network card. This information include IP address, n etmask network, hostname (hostname), g ateway, and Domain Name Server (DNS) network. If the network is in place you in the near future this will not using IPv6, makad Isab led this option, because if not, will slow down performance PC

8. Time Zone Options Determine the time zone in accordance with the time. Writer memilihAs he / Jakarta (Java & Sumatra), Indonesia Time to western parts. Remove tandac heck to pilihanSystem clock uses UTC

9. Determining the Root Password Roota dalah user that is used for system administration. On the menu, asked for memasukkanp assword twice to memastikanpassword entered completely accordance with the intended and does not happen a typo when memasukkanpassword. Root password consisting of at least 6 characters.

10. Choosing Package Group
In the previous step, the authors have chosen modelC ustom installation. With this option writer will choose your own package to be installed on the system. The author selected some packages required for the purposes of the demo servers, including DNS, Web Server, Proxy, Firewall, VNC, Samba, NFSdan File Server, X Window package (including the display manager XDMdan GDM) and to use the GNOME desktop author

11. Installation Package
The installation process begins with membuatfi le system (formatting) the partition that has been created, enable partisiswap, and so on. After that, one by one paketsoftware will be installed on the system. During the installation process, the screen will display the development of the installation process. (I forgot to mengambilsc reenshoot this process, the author included pictures is the image just before the intalasi progress).

12. Installation Completed
The installation program will display a confirmation to melakukanreboot machine, with the previous mengeluarkanDVD of DVD-ROM Drive. Once the machine is rebooted, the system is ready for use.

source : 


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