Friday, August 26, 2011

Play Pencil Effect in Photoshop

Technology does not stop here, there are new things that can be exploited by humans associated with the technology. The impact of the use of diverse technologies from a favorable to the adverse man himself.
However, it remains that we do need technology products for the purpose of profit though to myself, as well as large-scale benefit many parties.
Drawing the world which in this case I cakupkan on drawing with pencil or the term of this Pencil Drawing, actually very easy to do by anyone for those interested.
Draw this connection when done manually it takes practice and perseverance are very influential on later results.
With technology, drawing with a pencil can be applied to the computer using software that is already very common use of Photoshop.
For those who want to try, let me explain the steps to use photoshop to be able to produce the effect of drawing with a pencil.

The steps are as follows:
Open the image to be changed appearance may be in color or greyscale images.

For color images we need to do to make images become "greyscale" facilities "Desaturate" contained in the menu Image - Adjustments - Desaturate. Then the picture will change to something like "black white"
The next picture is the result of desaturate color images.

After successfully desaturate the image followed by a doubling of the facility "Layer" by "click" on the menu "Layer" forwarded click on the option "duplicate layer". Appears on the display screen popup on the lower right will increase the original image will be titled "background" and the duplication will be titled "backgound copy".

Next click on this second layer (called "background copy") to do with mengclick Invert command menu Image - Adjustments - Invert. The result image will be like "film negative cliches"

The next step, change the "blending" of this second layer with mengclick on "popup layer" of the first mode of "normal" in vogue "color dodge". At this stage the picture is sometimes invisible (not visible) on the editing screen .. ignore it because we will continue to move in the next step.This last step is to determine the pencil effect is to increase the effect of "blurring" by clicking on the "Filter" then select the sub menu "Blur" and click on the facility "Gaussian Blur".

In this step we will just change the value of "Radius" by moving the slide to produce an image that we expect.

Final Results 

source at :


Template by : wanto